Posted here are some pictures taken from TS Jeffrey's video. Jeffry hv compiled short video clip. Here are some snap-shots taken from the video.

Getting ready for gotong-royong..

same here.. getting ready for work

getting ready with brooms, pail n all..

Sukri pretending.. hi hi

Hafazah and Hj Basiron

Simon and me

At ground floor ...

Amir Hamzah and Rosman dismantling the temporary security wall/door

Rosman and Sahfi at work..

En.Tahar giving encouragement ( son??)

Rohaida's husband giving a helping hand..

Amir bringing the water hose

Amir n a friend from Indo preparing water hose..

Mohd Faizal..

Hj Bakar preparing the jet water gun to wash the ground floor staircase area

Ready to rumble from 12 floor..
Our treasurer Raymond all fired up to get down and dirty for estana court..

Puan Rohaya's son at work..

Team work at 12 floor

Even kids come out to help..

Its hard work doing it alone..

Thats why we have Team Work..

Daddy getting a helping hand from son.

Going down the stairs..

all the way down..

and down.. Nice...


Checking it twice.. who's naughty and nice.

Simon's lory is used to dispose the unwanted stuff that was cleared during the gotong royong.

Taking some break..

Its minum time..

After a hard days work.. abit refreshment

Drinks prepared by Sukri sure taste good.. isn't it?

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