On the 13May07 a meeting was called by persatuan to inform all buyers about the selection of MC (maintenance cooperation/company). Starting from 1st of June 2007.
It was informed that the previously selected MC, HITMAT MUARA had withdrawn from being MC for Estana Court. There was 2 options, either OA selects a new MC or persatuan will select the MC. The new MC will do neccesary works to maintain and upkeep the condo. The 5% STAKE HOLDER money will be kept in a FUND that will be controlled by persatuan, MC and OA for the benefit of Estana Court.
With permission from OA, Persatuan had selected the new MC to replace HITMAT MUARA. One of the condition put by OA is that MC cannot be a buyer or owner from Estana Court.
PEMBINAAN MIHRAB SDN BHD owned by Mr.Sahfi was selected by Persatuan, since Mr. Sahfi was involve in the revival issues of Estana Court and having experince of being an MC. His company is in best position to maintain and manage Estana Court. PEMBINAAN MIHRAB was proposed as the new MC to OA and OA had accepted the proposal.
Ketua Kampung Tuan Razi Ayob (Setiausaha Mukim Ulu KelangPengurusi JKKK) was invited to brief the buyers on certain rules by Sahfi. The ketua kampung told us during his speech that estana court residence are allowed to use the present access road until alterative access road is builded. He also informed that from time to time there will be some security check will be done on vechicles entering Estana Court.
Meeting at the dewan. Meeting suppose to starts at 10am but due to poor turn up and late turn-ups the meeting starts around 10.45am

Speech by Chairman, Rosman.
The guy in orange shirt is the ketua kampung from kampung pasir. He is representing the kampung.

Answers from Rosman and Saleem.
Question about the STAKEHOLDER FUND from En.Aris. He was also informed that STAKEHOLDER FUND does not come from lelong units or from Contra buyers.

Questions were raised again regarding STAKEHOLDER FUND. This time fm En Hairani who wants the money refund back to buyer. He was representing Jamilah. Saleem again explain that the StakeHolder money does not belong to buyer. The money was suppose to go to Promista. Persatuan is seeking the money from OA to revive estana court.
Again more questions about the STAKEHOLDER FUND

Answering question from the floor.