On the 25-03-07 we had another gotong-royong activity. This time around we deside to concentrated on removing debris from the corridoors from 12 floor to ground floor. As well as debris from the roof top. Gotong-royong works start abt 10.30am.. till abt 12noon then we had some makan2 and some drinks.

Getting ready for action. Our persatuan president is seen here giving some information to the members garthered for the gotong -royong.
members listening..

and listening..

And listening.. while Sahfi is doing some magic tricks .. trying to grab some attention..hi hi
Sahfi gave a short speach. Abt motorbike parking at walkways. Motorbike parking area is designated to be behind the Gen-Set room where there is ample space to park motorbikes under shade.

Simon having a chat with Sallem.
and it was Saleem and Sahfi's turn to do the individual water meter recording today.

Works begins from the lobby area.. removal of the staircase sealing.

At the roof top. clearing debris..

Seen here our producer, director & actor TS Jeffrey shooting our friends doing gotong-royong.. well actually shooting me hi hi.
i was buzy helping Simon to buy some petrol for his grass cutter. As well as buzy helping to clear the debris from the roof top.. i couldn't take more snap shots. Maybe i will get some still shots from TS Jeffreys video.