Finally we had a AGM in a better looking Dewan than the previous years.

Speech from our chairman, Rosman.

Speech from our MC, Mr.Sahfi.

Saleem doing multitasking.. listening to Sahfi and reading news paper... hahaha

PPPEC members

Another view

and another view

Makan time..

PPPEC members, freinds and family members having some refreshment.

Another view..

And another view

And another view..
Mj Mohd Ridzuan was selected to be our new chairman with Mj.Zaini, AJK Hj Aris, En.Hairani, etc as AJK. I am not sure who holds what post now.
Our ex-chairman, Rosman will be holding the advisor post to guide the new committee. He is volenteering to take over from Hj Lamang who is unfortunately, is still not well.
Hopefully, the new committee member names will be available soon.