Myself, a security guy and some other residents, manage to put out the fire with water before it got worse and spread to other units. MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO HELP TO PUT OUT THE FIRE, probably saving estana court itself.
Someone had called the BOMBA. By the time the BOMBA ENGINE arrive, the fire was already put out. The BOMBA guys come and took detail from our treasurer, Hj Aris and the unit owner.
Hj Aris hilighted on the notice board that our building is in questionable state and few precaution residents must take to prevent fire.
Is the fire fighting Hose Reels in every floor really tested and ready for emergency use? One thing for sure, I found out on 5thJanuary2008 that the 9th floor hose reel was not working.. no water coming out of the Hose Reel. My RM5 pail was more useful on that day than the Hose Reels in Estana Court.
Bomba Lift running since November2006, is the Lift insured? Nope
One Lift(Even floor lift) down since October 2007.. nobody repair it.
Another Lift(Odd floor lift) up/down selector switch not working on 9th floor since November.. nobody repair it.
Lifgtning Arrestor copper strips stolen during Hari Raya Puasa 2007.. still no replacement.
Peoples lives are involve here and yet people are playing "Taichi"