I even suggested to her how to divert the aircon water to the drainage pipe just beside the aircon but she refuse to do anything. Instead of correcting the fault she bombasted the MC/Sahfi for not doing proper cleaning of the walls. Totally irrelevant subject. What does MC's lack of ability to keep the walls clean got to do with the dripping water from this makcik's aircon?
Nothing, but to this looneytoon thinks its relevant. She refuses to do anything to correct the problem. Another typical "Hak Aku" type of character, who is not bothered abt other people's safety. She wants a cool room but not bothered if someone gets hurt from slipping on the wet floor.

Aircon at A-3-9 with the Aircon water falling all the way down.

This is the mess the A-3-9 aircon water does. Slippery and wet with fungus growing.
I have requested MC to help out to modify the aircon water to divert it to the drainage pipe near the Air Con. Lets see what happens.