I suppose the idea for choosing the dark brown color would be to make fungus/dirts be less visible in the future.

Dirty wall after the entrance of guard house.
(pic taken July08)

Painting the walls at the security guard house.

Cleaning and paint work done..

The area between SL3 and SL4. Painting done.
The place looks neat, except for the wet floor caused by the dripping water from the air condition of the lady who happens to be a hopeless AJK of the present persatuan(PPPEC).

After painting.. the nicer looking Wet Market/Mini Market/Kedai Runcit/Kedai Makan/Restaurant etc.. that belong to Sukri.
One problem with this shop.. it causes grass to die as ppl walk on the grass to go to the shop plus the makan-tables block the walkway.
It also encourages stray cat to enjoying life here with the left over foods from the makan area.

Here meow..

There meow...

Everywhere meow...


Meow Meow

Meow Meow Meow

E - I - E - I - O
oink oink woof woof