Those present for the job was myself(A-9-8),HjDollah(A-3-05, Rosman(A-4-01), HjAbu Bakar(A-12-6), ), Amir(A-6-05), HjRamlan and 2 more workers from BaktiSuci(SL-1,SL-2,SL-6,A-6-14&A-6-15), EnFaizal( ex-promista site supervisor).
Estana court Block A have 3 wings called Wing 1, Wing 2 and Wing 3. The Wing 1 faces Block B.
Recording of the sub meter in the water meter riser room for Wing 1 was done by myself and Hj Dollah.
Recording of the sub meter in the water meter riser room for Wing 2 was done by Hj Bakar and Amir (went back early)
Recording of the sub meter in the water meter riser room for Wing 3 was done by Hj Ramlan and En.Faizal.

Example of water sub-meter.