One of the difficult works was completed today ( 22sept2006). That is Hot-Tapping the water from the main road, ulu kelang road to our condo. The kampung people gave some problem as the Hot-Tapping was done at the entrance of Jalan Haji Zam Zam. Persatuan had already send letter to the JKKK(Jabatan Keselamatan Kampung) informing them about the Hot-Tapping work. Yet the ignoramus and arrogant people wanted to cause trouble.

8) Tukang Paip workers cleaning the muds fron the road side where the Hot-Tapping was done.

7) Kampung guys checking on the works being done by Tukang Paip Johan Prosy Contractor.

6) Installing new pipe about 7 meter long . Tukang Paip zarkhan giving instruction to his workers.

5) Tukang Paip workers installing new pipe

4) Hot Tapping in progress

3) Searching for the uninstalled pipe between main pipe and the endcapped pipe done by promista piping contractor

2) Entrance to Estana from Main road where the Hot-Tapping is done

1) Safety sign boards were placed at the juction where the Hot Tapping is done.