Replacement and re-installation of cables from the Riser Room to individual units are in progress. The Riser room is where the TNB individual electric meter will be stationed.
As we all know, most of the cable from the Riser to individual units were stolen by unknown scumbags. The electric cables inside our units are still okay, but the cables from the unit to the meter are mostly missing. Some cables were simply damaged/vandalized by cutting it in many places making it unusable.
Since cash in-flow is low, the cable replacement will be done, only to selected units. So that at least some of the units will be occupied for the time being. The priority will be given to those who have paid the revival contribution RM2000 plus the TNB meter deposite of RM120.( paid long ago to Shazwan @Sam).
The stolen/missing Common area supply cables in the ground floor from MSB room and Gen-Set already been replaced( last month). The cables in the ground floor is the easiest to steal or sabotage and yet the cable from the Riser to individual Units were not stolen. Thats weird.

New rolls of cable purchased. The lenght of each roll is 100meter and the size(area) is 10mm(2) . Each unit requires 3 cables:- Live, Neutral and Earth.

These are standard cable connector, made of cast copper with tin plated.

Half-naked(hot-day lah) electricians re-installing new cables. Connection is made from the Riser to Units