1)Bakti Suci staff clearing weeds.

2)Unwanted weeds and garbage were burned. Law breaker.

3)Hafazah and Mani giving a helping hand.

4)Ariffin ranting as usual pointing to his broken window as Arumugam(Mani) walks away and Anthony listens to the "broken record".

5)Bakti Suci workers cleaning clogged drain.

6) Pakcik Basiron takes a break.
Gotong Royong organized by PPPEC on the 26Feb2006
pictures courtesy of Nadzri.

1)Having headache even before beginning the gotong royong??

2)Gung-ho! Saleem all ready to clean up the place.

3)So tired.

4)Hj.Basiron and Aminah joins in the gotong royong.

5)Safie breaks some sweat by helping to load the muds into the tong..

6)Our dear YDB, Rosman in action. So does our member from the opposition party madam Alya.

7)Ariffin arrives late for the gotong royong and starts his ranting, distrupting the gotong royong activity that was going on in the office room. Members getting demoralized by Ariffin decide to end the gotong royong activity early.

8)End of gotong royong. Ariffin trying to turn the gathering into a fight scene. Saleem tring to make Ariffin understand.. but the record is broken.