Inspection of internal piping by Syabas officers.The inspection was the result of PPPEC asking Syabas to the waive of consultant acknowledgment and stamp for the "as build drawing". Old consultant appointed by promistar developers are no longer interested as they did not receive payment from promista. Hiring new consultant fee is very high, estimated cost would be more than RM20000. The process for this consultant issue been going on for months. Already, PPPEC had send letters and document to Syabas requesting the Syabas to waive the consultant acknowlegdment.
Tn Hj Yusof bin Saroji, pengurus besar syabas gombak, came to estana court at 4.30pm on 29/08/06 and witness the piping condition at estana court. Finally he agreed to waive consultant acknowledgment plus the stamping, provided Tukang Paip confirms the piping is in good condition and another letter from PPPEC to Syabas stating that MC and PPPEC would take responsibilities for the piping.

Syabas general manager Tn Hj Yusof and syabas officer En Halim, their driver together with Tukang Paip Zarkhan making a surprise visit to estana court to check the internal piping to the water tanks.

Inspection at the "Bilik Tangki Air" at the ground floor. Tukang Paip, Zarkhan explaining to the Tn Hj Yusof and En Halim.

More questions from Syabas being answered by Zarkhan and Sahfi.

End of inspection. Syabas gombak MG and his officers were satisfied with the explaination given by Tukang Paip about the piping layout.
Seen here, syabas officers En Halim and Tn Hj Yusof waiting for the rain subside before going back to syabas gombak.